Weekly Wardrobe #14
Nailing socks and Mary-Janes, my nursery run uniform and the brownie recipe that will get you ALLLL the compliments...

What a special day Monday was because we went to meet the newest little lady - baby Novie!! And what a little cutie she was!! Outfit-wise I just wanted to be comfy, but I knew it would be quite toasty with a new baby in the house and seeing as we were literally going from car to house and back again I didn’t bother with too much layering and just threw a jumper on over a t-shirt. Nothing fancy and nothing special, but still something that felt quite ‘90’s airport fashion (which is a great Pinterest search term btw if you’re in need of some outfit ideas!). Love that 50% of my outfit was secondhand and I’m finally finding some ways to wear the Celine loafers that I spent 3 years searching for an have worn about two times 🫠

Like I mentioned in last week’s Wardrobe Diary, I want to get better at showing you the sometimes multiple outfit changes that I make in a day, so here’s what I wore at the crack of dawn on Tuesday morning to take the little guy to childcare. It’s not particularly A LOOK, but there was a bit of mind manipulation going on here. I usually find that my best time to workout is the mornings, if I don’t get it in before breakfast then there’s a high chance that it’s just not happening. So on days that I need to drop Ralph off I spend the first part of the morning getting him ready, change into my workout clothes, take him in and then strip off when I get home and leg it upstairs to my Peloton bike. It always works.

But here was my actual outfit for the day - we just worked from home and I had a few appointments to go to too. I fancied some denim on denim thanks to a secondhand COS denim shirt that I picked up from Vinted. I always felt like the denim needed to match in someway, but actually now a prefer an outfit where it doesn’t. If you’re trying to find a ‘does it all’ denim shirt then I’d suggest to go for a classic mid-blue wash - I feel like you could pair that with black or indigo denim and it would work just as well with a paler more acid-wash denim too. Stick with something that is slap bang in the middle and save yourself needing multiple ones to make your Canadian tuxedos work.