Every Clothing Item I've Sold This Year & Why
Plus, the pieces that I never wanted to sell in the first place...
In 2024, so far, I’ve sold over 40 items from my wardrobe. I’m an avid declutterer (back in 2019, I even published a book on it*), so nothing is safe in this house, and with places like Vinted and Depop making it so darn easy, editing my wardrobe is a frequent thing for me. It’s also worth noting that I have a strange job where I accrue clothing at a sometimes unnatural speed - despite my attempts to slow the flow!! - so, shedding often keeps things manageable and my preferred way to do that is for each thing to find a better home. Side note: I have a private Depop for paid subscribers only where you get first dips - I’ll share it below!
One thing I’ve never really done, though, is assess the why’s of what I’m selling. This feels like an oversight because isn’t there so much to learn from digging into that? So that’s exactly what I’m doing today. Here’s a deep-dive into every item I’ve sold this year and why, including the things I never wanted to sell in the first place and some behind-the-scenes gossip…